McKayla Maroney I think the highlight of last week, that your American Olympic gold medalist, who won her Gold Medal on the backs of the black girls on her team in what could argue is some modern slavery, made a comeback with her slutty cameltoe shorts.
The victim of the US Gymnastic team’s doctor who used to finger young girls with ankle injuries while their moms who believed in the Olympic dream sat in the other room, you know sexualized at a young age, now sexualizing herself again, because her first round of sexualization happened directly after she won the Olympic medal and became a meme….before the team doctor / finger banger scandal happened…She came hard on the social media, amassed the fans, then tapped out…only to come back, with that fit ass she’s been training for, ready to take on America the way America likes to be taken on…through slutty content masked as fitness content cuz she’s an athlete you see.

Posted in:McKayla Maroney|SFW