I'll Make You Famous…




Brie Larson Bikini of the Day

Brie Larson Bikini

Brie Larson is one of the more annoying celebrities getting work.

I don’t understand her, or why they decided she was worthy of getting all this work but I guess Hollywood has no fucking taste and are run by losers who are drawn to Hollywood because they grew up watching movies, cuz they had no friends, and figured that a life in the entertainment industry would come with glamour, money and pussy…so all these losers got management positions, became execs by 40, and now the losers make loser decisions, and are drawn to loser girls like Brie Larson…

She has been trying to get famous for a fucking decade, she had a shitty attempt at a pop career that is beyond embarrassing…and then committed to the acting thing and her agency was like “she’s the one” gave her an Oscar winning role, and now bitch gets in Marvel movies making bank…

But she can’t just accept that she’s trolled the system, but has instead decides to talk hollywood too white, cries about white priviledge, but instead of stepping down and retiring as she should, to make room for more women of color instead of more girls like her, she takes bikini pics for attention….

So her whole thing is “keep me working” but all other women shouldn’t be white cuz she’s got this…not that I know anything about this trash, other than that she’s not hot enough to draw in this much attention…she is fucking garbage and society should treat her as such…


Posted in:Brie Larson|SFW