I'll Make You Famous…




Kelly Brook Fat Tits of the Day

I have been in a pub with a group of Rugby players that were official Rugby players from the UK, and not your typical weekend league of Rugby players, who are equally crazy, like to drink as much if not as the pros and do equally weird tough guy jock things, that could be confused for homosexual, as it involves rubbing their dicks in each other’s faces, and fucking drunk trash together…living up that Rugby Stereotype harder than the pros…

For some reason, I have no idea why, Kelly Brook came up in conversation, it was years ago, and I guess she was fucking a Rugby Player, she is from the UK, and I guess were all in the same scene…and they went off..

They were laughing about how fat and gross she is. How she’s got the tits, but that they are tits no one should want, how she’s a terrible person who thinks she’s more important than she is, hotter than she is, and that she only looks good in pics cuz she starves herself out before going back to being fat…They laughed about how she went to America to make it at 35, you know one last run for celebrity…they even passed around nudes that I think have been leaked since….

So I feel closer to Kelly Brook when I see her now 40 year old titty content, I feel like I have inside scoop with those who either fucked her, or know people who did….and I don’t think she is so bad, all girls are fat fucks now, but not all girls put all their worth and value into their tits, and if you got tits like this…they should be out there on call, on duty, putting in work….they aren’t retired yet…


Posted in:Kelly Brook|SFW