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Archive for the Kelly Brook Category




Kelly Brook’s Giant Tits are on Vacation of the Day

Kelly Brook is one of the early titty models, she had famous tits before social media was a thing, which makes her a dinosaur in the genre or titty model category, but at the same time it makes her a veteran.

A lot of the pre-social media whores were treated terribly, like Vietnam war vets, because they didn’t understand how to adapt to the evolving technology, so there was a solid decade where these girls who were famous, celebrated, jerked off to and paid became totally irrelevant and replaced by the younger media savvy tits….

So even with Kelly Brook’s giant tits and millions of dollars, it took her a long time to figure out where she was going to end up….but with tits as big as hers, she managed to not be forgotten and to continue pushing and now she gets to do free instagram trips to tropical places with her tits….

She’s old now, her tits are bigger than ever, almost so big that you don’t realize how fat she’s become and it’s nice to see an old whore do old whore tricks on new whore tech platforms that for the longest time they thought were beneath them, but now they rely on to continue existing….

It’s unfortunate her old fat lady with giant tits content isn’t on OF, but I guess she’s a classy lady who only really whores for professional athletes and people with real life money…..

But remember, when taking in these lifestyle shots, we’ve all seen the tits and even the pussy…and they are better then than they are now….so this is more a reminder of the good old days…

Posted in:Kelly Brook




Kelly Brook’s Plus Sized Half Naked Trailer for her Halloween Costume of the Day

I give credit where credit is due.

I’m a nice whining bitch who everyone thinks is a faggot because I always complain about shit, even hot chicks and their tits, like some bitter incel cuck.

I’m not actually angry, I am just rarely impressed by the smut that is being handed our way, it’s all low level clickbait that doesn’t elevate the general consciousness, but instead keeps us dumb retards who eat shit foods and perpetuate the dumbness into a world of retards staring in a mirror masturbating while people they don’t know watch, which doesn’t sound horrible to the pervert, but it’s bigger than our own perversion, it’s beyond the self, but rather the whole.

So yeah, I’m not officially a member of any movie critic leagues, but I should be to give me that stamp of approval in my bitching….because I am the first to admit I am a bitch.

That being said, Kelly Brook dressed up like Drew Barrymore’s character in the opening of Scream.

Unlike most whores who take a selfie they facetune and edit to make them less troll-like, she put together a video of the scene.

She even got the 90s cordless phone….but the highlight is when the now fat glamour model in her 40s runs through in her lingerie….gratuitous sure, but being a fat set of tits that aged out and got fat, makes it brave.

There’s work, effort, creativity that went into this,. It probably took her more than 5 minutes and that’s appreciated amongst all the lazy scumbags out there, especially since Kelly’s fat body would lead you to think she’s a lazy scumbag who can just not bother with the pile of money she’s made in her titty model career….but instead she bothers.

Good job Kelly Brook. Now don’t eat too much candy, your diabetes won’t be able to handle it.

Posted in:Kelly Brook




Kelly Brook From Big Titty Model to Big Back Model of the Day

Kelly Brook is old as shit and we’ve seen her progress from being a Big Titty UK Glamour Model, who would fuck a lot of UK athletes because she had access to them, and who would get fat in between her shoots….to the fat aspiring actress who fucked a personal trainer for a while and got fit…..not quite making it as an actress, not even with those big tits, but doing at least one movie where she showed off those tits…

I guess she is back in the UK where she is remembered as being the big tity model with yet another dude, she’s had dozens of boyfriends and thus dozens of cock in her..and now, her tits seem a little less relevant or a little less big because her back is so big…which I guess happens when you’re old and fat….they big tits become less big as the surrounding body gets bigger….kinda like how your gut buried your penis all those years ago…if you had AIDS and 0% body fat, you’d have at least 3 inches of cock to you….only it’s tits and less gay to talk about…

We’ll call this big tits to big back…which I guess is what husbands around the world have experienced with their once hotter and fitter wives…

Posted in:Kelly Brook




Kelly Brook in a Bikini of the Day

Guess what’s back…Kelly Brook rocking the 40 something year old giant tits…

She may even be in her 50s now.

I don’t really know why I give a shit about Kelly Brook, it’s not like I’ve ever met her or that she’s really ever penetrated the pop culture machine as hard as the Rugby team has penetrated her.

If anything, it’s been more of a watching her get as fat as her tits, only to lose the fat but keep the tits, which is important when your 20s were spent as a big titty model in the UK…you NEED the tits.

A tale as old as time, the gut catching up to the big tits, when the girl hits 30 and the metabolism slows down….

But ultimately, through it all, fat chick or not, she’s had the tits and that may matter…

We’ve seen her move to LA to become a famous actress that failed, we’ve seen her date personal trainers who got her into shape, she’s been blog titty fodder that you’ve all had some kind of relationship and these bikini pics posted 5 hours ago prove she’s not dead, probably infertile from age, but not dead…but even if she was dead, you’d want to stick your dick between those bad boys filling that bikini like a middle aged aunty at the pool….because you’re weirdly committed to Kelly Brook.

Fat chick belly aside, what’s up with that face? Has the instagram face filters attacked or is this her face injection new look….either way…it’s weird.

Posted in:Kelly Brook




Kelly Brook Big Bikini of the Day

Kelly Brook is still around, not dead, but old as shit at this point in time, yet still living, despite all these years of being fat, it hasn’t taken her out yet…

She was known for being the fat girl with the fat girls that did the Glamour Model thing when that was a thing…she’d starve herself out before any of her shoots and cover that fat ass to focus on the fat tits…I guess she was known for the fat tits, not the fat girl thing because of marketing, but I’ve always called her fat and I pride myself on being that TRUTH TELLER that I am.

I once met a couple of UK Rugby players in a bar years ago who were laughing about all the Rugby players she fucked, or that they’d pass her nudes she sent around, because she was in that world..before moving to LA for about 12 months to try to get movie jobs, which never happened for her, so she went back to Europe to sit on that titty money she made.

Anyway….she posted some pics of her fat ass, a bold move for for a big girl who exploited her tits cuz they were all she had, since she’s not showing off the tits, which is what her whole marketing hook is, confusing behavior but she probably doesn’t want her mangled face now that she’s so old shown, so badly that she’d give the ass instead…despite it being huge…


Posted in:Kelly Brook




Kelly Brook Brings the Tits of the Day

Kelly Brook brings the tits, because that is the only thing she knows how to do and at 45 years old, it’s not quite as good as it once was, but that’s the standard phenomenon with women, if they get better with age, or hotter with age, it’s because they were previously men and have since transitioned, rocking a new set of perky tits….but organic women, that shit rots organically.

Anyway, this is definitely a Leave Kelly Brook alone post, because she may be a big girl, she’s always been a big girl, she may be a banged out by various athlete girl, she may be a failed actress who moved to LA for th dream, but through it alll she’s had tits bigger than my head and sometimes that’s good enough.

Posted in:Kelly Brook




They Say This is Kelly Brook Playing with her Boob of the Day

I know what you’re thinking….who is Kelly Brook and why is her boob so big….

Well, like Winona in Edward Scissor Hands reading a story to her grandchild, I’ll explain…..

There was once a time when magazines ran rampant..and those magazines were printed, so they required a lot of money to make, unlike this website I ejaculate on daily….so they needed to sell magazines to the people and did it by producing photoshoots that you could only see in those magazines…so people would buy the magazines. Like any photoshoot, or marketing campaign trying to sell product or magazines knows…..you can make those phootshoots of big titty girls who we’ll call Glamour models…to make it less trashy, shameless, because we liked jerking off to class back then, not throatfuking.

So Kelly Brook was one of those….and this could be her tit from then, or more recently, who knows or cares….she’s basically already dead….or at least old enough to be….probably celebrating her 60th birthday this year.

Posted in:Kelly Brook




Kelly Brook Fat Bikini of the Day

Kelly Brooke Bikini

I guess she didn’t watch that episode of Oprah that showcases the different types of bikini technologies for middle-aged women and their first resort vacation.

Kelly Brook, the TITTY model from 20 years ago has caught up to her tits, at least her stomach has….but that’s nothing new, she’s been fat since the start of her fat titty model career…..and my default Kelly Brook story is that I was drinking at a Irish bar locally and 3 or 4 UK based pro Rugby players became my friends at the bar because I am a real good time….and all they were doing was making fun of their friend back home who was fucking Kelly Brook. They even showed me her nude pics but I was drunk and can’t remember….but I left thinking she had been passed around a lot which makes sense…

But back then, she was more conservative about her fat gut, she’d starve herself out before her shoots, she pulled off the fat chick with fat tits but that you didn’t know she was fat….she even got to Hollywood and did at least one movie despite being so fat…

Then empowerment happened, plus sized happened, fat shaming ended and here she is GUNT out…and it’s fucking sick…whether she’s in her 40s or not bitch needs to find cardio, find keto and pull it together no matter how much positive enforcement her fans give her because they are a bunch of fucking SIMPS…

Kelly Brooke Bikini


Posted in:Kelly Brook




Kelly Brook Fitting Room Erotica of the Day

Kelly Brook Fitting Room Erotica

I’ve been really mean about Kelly Brook over the years, but unlike a pussy ass bitch, I don’t feel guilty about it or think to myself how damaging being a cyberbully can be, because the real victim in all this is me, cuz people don’t like Cyberbully’s anymore so I’m just coasting on the sidelines deciding whether to start making real noise to “disrupt” all the pussy ass bitches out there, or just wait until people start hating again….because I know in our souls we are all haters…I can’t be alone in this.

Anyway, now that that backstory you don’t care about, regarding me being a sociopath on the interenet with no empathy towards celebrities I don’t actually know, so why would I have empathy for them, they are objects on a screen, especially Kelly Brook level celebs who don’t fucking matter at all…..

I can say that I have met actual people who KNEW Kelly Brook in person, they were Rugby Players from the UK and apparently she fucked Rugby Players from the UK, being a Titty model from the UK, and they were meaner than I was about her being a fat slob phony who ran to America to fail because she was an entitled cunt who thought she was more than just tits….

So I figure we should take it from the source, from people who know her and who have fucked her, and remember than this now 40 yer old set of huge tits, also comes with a huge body cuz she’s fat, and you probably don’t care because of the tits.

Here she is with her fat tit out
Kelly Brook Fitting Room Erotica


Posted in:Kelly Brook|SFW




Kelly Brook Reconnects with Her Long Lost Mother of the Day

Kelly Brook Reconnects With Mother Pig

It is the holiday season, you know Thanksgiving then Christmas…and all the decorations are out, the Christmas music is playing in stores, the brands are trying to seduce us into buying shit we don’t need, the streaming sites are trying to touch our hearts with nostalgia, good old fashion feel good American values, you know the illusion of what Christmas is supposed to be and not the dysfunction that it actually is…especially with all you social media bandits with all your knowledge and debate skills you’ve mastered thanks to reading fake news, finding like minded idiots, an taking your anger to twitter…or Facebook…or whatever…

But the most important thing about the Holiday Season is Family….it is ignoring all the bullshit, and letting bygones be bygones, and not going at each other’s throats…it is not the time to rehash old fights, old memories, old mistakes…it is a time to forgive, to move on, to heal..

So it is nice to see that Kelly Brook and her mom who I guess has retired down in the Bahamas working out their shit, that I assume Kelly Brook’s mom will later roll around in as she does…


Posted in:Kelly Brook|SFW