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Girl with Buds for Veterans Day of the Day

Boston Hempire Veterans Day

It is Veterans Day on Monday, so let’s show some support for our troops….(I am not in the USA, we call it Remembrance Day, but we can still support troops)…

We partnered up with BOSTON HEMPIRE CLICK HERE

You may not know anything about BOSTON HEMPIRE because you don’t click the damn banners on the site…I SEE YOU MOOCH with your adblock software…

They are an awesome company selling HEMP buds you can smoke. So you can smoke your CBD like it was weed, without getting high, but while getting all the benefits of CBD…sounds fun.

I am a Daily CBD user and thus a fucking believer that it can help with pain, aches, stress, insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks and PTSD….something I am sure many surviving troops are dealing with…you can’t be exposed to that shit without having PTSD…

I was told by a big titty hard nippled nurse in the dog park, despite not having my dog with me, because I am that guy, that everyone has PTSD…we all have Trauma…and if you don’t believe me, read every millennials caption on her IG post…or every #metoo post…trauma over used maybe…but real..and not as overused as prescription pills..

I remember going to the clinic with dizzy spells, asthma attacks, heart attacks, or what I thought was heart attacks…on three or four different occasion…and I left with uppers and downers and all kinds of brain pills from doctors who didn’t know me…

So here are people blindly buying into this shit, when there are natural options..and I believe in CBD helping with all your mental health issues on veterans day…or everyday…

Remember, these people are heroes going out there putting their life on the fucking line for a cause they have little or no control over…with the idea that it is for the better of the country….and it is important to pay tribute to them because we don’t fucking do anything but sit on our asses, drinking and eating sugary fast foods, reaping the rewards of their bravery in fighting the good fight for us…

So Get your CBD BUD BUY NOW !

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