I'll Make You Famous…




Taylor Marie Hill Slutty of the Day

In the world of instagram models pretending to be real models, the occassional model comes out here and pretends she’s an instagram model, you know for jokes…and because they are finally getting the money they deserve from the brands who strayed from them the last 5 years, and threw the budgets to the low levels, because more and more of these girls are rising to the top of influencers and robbing the influencer of their little business they carved out for themselves on instagram, as they fucking should….

As a bottom feeder, I should be more sympathetic to the Do It Yourself girl who gets 1,000,000 followers and in turn monetizes that with her membership site or premium snapchat, but for some reason, I’ve been conditioned to like girls that make it from traditional channels, like agencies and with brand deals and marketing…I just find it more interesting…even if it’s far less work, far less creative, far less hustle….and even if I was all about these girls taking the shine from the celebrities and top paid models for the last 5 years…because it was funny to see…you know a solid re-adjustment…but I am so exhausted by the thousands upon thousands of sluts with over 100k followers doing various tactics to be brand friendly…showcasing a curated life they set out for in stylized pics…all because they knew they could get paid or at least get free shit…it’s boring….and a certain ego comes with having built up your little fashion blogger empire…where Taylor Hill’s just like “dude VS Cast me when I was 18, after a weekend with Epstein and I’m set for life”….it’s just more premium and less desperate…

So I am all for the celebrity making their way back into your hearts on social media to ideall wipe out all the fat girls talking about how hot they are…even if in this Taylor Hill case…she looks kinda fat for a model…too fat for my liking I tells ya.

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Marie Hill