I'll Make You Famous…




Victoria Beckham in Leggings of the Day

Victoria Beckham still skinny. Thus still hot….

The rich girl, ashamed of being driven to school by her dad in his Rolls Royce, who turned into a fucking superstar, thanks to being a Spice Girl, which as we all know was a pop culture defining moment, or group that is still relevant to the 30 year old girls who grew up on the Spice Girls today…and who must be in her late 40s and early 50s by now…still married to the soccer player so many “straight” soccer fans had man crushes on in the early 2000s…the inspiration being manscaping and metrosexuals….I saw the transition happen before my very eyes because I worked with a bunch of closet case faggots who liked soccer cuz they were Euopean and whenever they’d talk about David Beckham they’d blush like a bunch of school girls….even though they were also really homophobic…yet the first to shower together at the gym…

ANYWAY…Victoria Beckham is still skinny. Thus still hot.

Posted in:SFW|Victoria Beckham