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Sailor Brinkley Cook Bikini Erotica of the Day

Sailor Brinkley Cook Bikini

The only interesting thing about Sailor Cook Brinkley in a bikini, is seeing just how far off the mark she is from being her mother Christie Brinkley. Tainted by that rich guy sperm that made her up inside her mom…

I do find her attempts to follow her mom’s lead as a bikini model cute, in a kid trying to be like his cop dad by wearing his cop dad’s hat at a dinner party for all the cop friends to laugh at how cute it is kind of way….you know because we all know she’s not a “bikini model” but luckily in an era where non bikini models produce bikini model pics cuz they can since it is easy.

That is not to say I find little kids in cop hats the same as 20 something year old skinny blonde chicks in bikinis the same level of “interesting”….I’m just saying she may be in a bikini but she’s no fucking Brinkley even if she uses her mom’s name professionally.

Not that she needs a profession, her dad is a billionaire…and she’s set so all this is just LOLZ to her…and possibly things for you to jack off to cuz you’re a pervert.

I mean she’s still a young skinny rich blonde chick in a bikini…which is never a terrible thing….plus whoever gets to fuck her can stare at pics of her mom before diving in…you know to get in the mood…knowing that this came out of that bikini cunt.


Posted in:Sailor Brinkley|SFW