I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Demi Lovato fucking sucks. She’s a bratty entitled Disney Kid turned overly famous performer, at least based on her level of talent, who has been overweight for the majority of her career, with only the occasional “fit” windows and even when fit she looks like shit, despite all her hype, thanks to being a fucking industry puppet to make money and sell product to retard fanbase.
Anyway, everything about her is a fucking scam, there’s no way she’s not the vile spoiled cunt she appears to be and the worst of it is that she had a heroin overdose…and the industry didn’t cancel her.
I guess she makes them too much money? Or brands don’t care about heroin overdoses when the person in question is Demi Lovato. It’s just real inconsistent messaging. Why isn’t she cancelled? Why is she some hero of opiate addiction and her whole overdose pushed under the rug and spun into her being a victim, or suffering from mental health or “INSERT WHATEVER VICTIMIZATION YOU WANT TO JUSTIFY BAD BEHAVIOR”….
Now she’s promoting fitness gear as a fat chick in “RECOVERY” because addiction is a disease and she’s a hero…
Fuck off. Cancel her. Don’t let your kids buy into her. She’s a bad influence and she’s not even hot.
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