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Naughty Nurses on the Frontlines of the Day

In keeping things COVID, since COVID is still everything on the fucking news, like we aren’t bored of it by now…and instead get to sit and brew on our paranoias, or mental health issues, or laziness…dealing with our minds we’ve been able to distract ourselves from so well all our lives…as we try to figure out if Bill Gates has good intentions, if contact tracing is really something we need to fuck with to fight the virus…..if that asshole Neighbor gave it to us when chatting with us for 5 minutes before disclosing they tested positive weeks earlier….because now we have to deal with stubborn deniers who think they are invincible….or those who already survived it and feel like they can’t get it again…so fuck the rest of us…

Is it as bad as they say it is, is it all a scam, do we have money to pay for food and rent….and are our frontline workers really heroes as locally over 10,000 never went back to work after they did a 14 day quarantine because fuck that…unemployment is better…

All I’ve discovered over the course of the virus is that nurses are slutty and post nudes to deal with stress or to get feedback to either build their onlyfans or to get off because they are givers…but I didn’t really discover that, I always knew nurses were the sex workers of the hospital..and that girls as a concept are slutty.

I’ve basically learned nothing other than reaffirmed what I’ve already known…fuck the gov’t, people are nuts, and leave me the fuck alone….

Here are those front liners being NAUGHTY.

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