I'll Make You Famous…




Christina Aguilera Cleavage of the Day

christina aguilera cleavage

I am not a queer, but during the popstar wars of Y2k, I was team Christina Aguilera and not Team Britney, because Aguilera was dirtier, even her song was dirty…she was a tiny thing with big bolt on fake tits that looked like a broken girl destined for porn if she didn’t have that big voice.

It was less of a popstar war and more conversations while drunk at dive bars that played top 40, I just think teen girls and gay dudes alike probably sided with either one of the popstars, so if you removed the fact that it was more a WHO WOULD YOUR RATHER…than a who has better style, or songs….it becomes a bit more normal but admittedly still weird.

I made a bet with someone that I would fuck Aguilera in my lifetime, more of a joke than anything, so when the day it actually happened…and I was one inch inside her and not just the tip…I was actually surprised…mainly because the girl I was inside was not actually Christina Aguilera but a street whore with platinum hair like Christina Aguilera…but close enough.

I didn’t anticipate that Aguilera would be the one to eat her feelings or end up fat as shit, but she did, and at 40…still out here sloppy tits out…looking 40….I’m glad I never got up in her like I bet I would…not to mention, I am not dead yet, so it could still happen…just a long drawn own dream playing out later in life…which is better than not playing out at all….there’s always that hope…even if dreams change and I don’t even want this shit anymore….but we had our moment when I did and that’s what matters.


Posted in:Christina Aguilera