I'll Make You Famous…




January Jones Back in a Bikini of the Day

January Jones Bikini

I was having a conversation with myself about people like January Jones yesterday, it was a very fulfilling conversation as all my conversations with myself are and I figured it’d come in handy for the next time January Jones posted up a bikini pic while not out there raising Jason Sudeikis’ love child, or would it be Bastard child that I am not sure he’s a deadbeat dad with, or that January Jones is just a cunt about, keeping her kid away from his dad, cuz he’s fucking Olivia Wilde…I don’t get into the nitty gritty of celebrity fucking, I really don’t care about any of these trashy fucking people.

What I do care about is that I preferred when celebs were kept at an arm length away. I saw that Dr Dre did some interview that came out yesterday about the same concept, which is basically that social media is a shitty way to interact with celebrities, because having access to celebrities, even having the chance for a celeb to engage with you is not that way a celebrity / fan relationship is supposed to be.

The celebrity is supposed to be this mystical creature, an untouchable creature….they shouldn’t be a reality star who documents thier every move. I don’t need to know January Jone’s whore personality, I prefer just assuming they are whores who aren’t whores for us because we have nothing to offer them……until social media…and now I realize she’s officially a girl who uses her tits for attention, loves the likes and follows…it’s a currency to her…and she’s not alone in this…they are all that personality type that love ratings, reviews and being the center of attention…so of course when given the chance to be an influencer, they take it…because the whole psychology of influencers is what fueled these old hags to go to Hollywood in the first place to try to make it…ego, narcissism, a false sense of confidence in their talent and a willingness to suck old executive dick, or maybe give a good titty job…because Hollywood was built on perversion….

I just find it cheapens them, so why see them in movies playing characters of interest, when they’ve turned themselves into memes or basic onlyfans type girls…it’s pretty low level, especially when they are already rich….

The exclusivity, the secret world of celeb, far more interesting than rich people bored on instagram who love attention….it’s just garbage..

January Jones Swing
January Jones Bikini


Posted in:January Jones