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Bella Thorne Taking Nudes of the Day

Bella Thorne Taking Nudes

Bella Thorne, being a Disney trained kid, knows that her key to staying relevant is speaking to that younger Audience into the whole concept of Only Fans because it makes them money, the one thing I’ve always said that makes no sense about all social media but Youtube, how can you go to bed at night knowing you make Zuckerberg richer with each selfie or idiotic status update.. and there’s no better way to stay relatable than to hop on the platform and fake it.

So Bella Thorne’s whole edgy, porn addicted, sex addicted, bi sexual, weed smoking, drinking, partying, half naked narrative, is just one drawn up in a lab or office and she’s just playing out the part….

She’s got the Hollywood thing going for her, a developmental deal with FOX that would typically be canned if even a nude pic of a girl was released, but for whatever reason, like a Kardashian or Miley Cyrus, their nude work, or sex work is considered part of their brand…..

So in loving the cash grab, loving the fodder for the media to hype her up, she’s jumped on the platform with a total lack of respect for her fans as she pretends to be edgy, not even fucking on the platform, just using it to trick her fans into thinking she’s one of them and not some manipulative cunt trying to get her hands in everything for the money……if anything the Disney kid is trying to exploit sex work….by taking people away from the girls who have been living this life all along….like the poser bitch she is…and you’d expect her to be…I mean she’s Disney Trained man…

Anyway, this is her 150 dollar Only Fans cash grab video that I am stealing because it should be fucking free since she got the media hype for it to begin with…and if you paid 150 dollars for this you’re an idiot and should sue her for clickbaiting your ass for her to get paid….because at her level of celebrity she’ll get millions off an Only Fans…I mean no name chicks are getting 100k a month….manipulative bitch.

Bella Thorne Orange

Here is her video promoting a new strain of WEED she developed


Posted in:Bella Thorne