I'll Make You Famous…




Ana De Armas Nipples of the Day

Ana de Armas, the Cuban tits that floated into Miami with Camila Cabello when she was still Elian Gonzalez, only to make it in America….which is not the origin story they give them when they decide to cast them as “cubans” so that they “it’s a small world” themselves and have a go-to person to fill every country, cree, ethnicity when asked or called out for being racist…Hollywood and Entertainment man, they full of shit…

The origin story they give her is that she went to Spain and got Married there, because there’s some loophole where Cubans can get to Spain and if you get married you can stay in Spain….escaping that communist rule, avoiding that Russian Ketchup and Cola, living that dream life that involves moving to America on a work visa to be rich and famous there. Dreams do come true….and the tradeoff, being hired as Ben Affleck’s handler, to make him appear more decent, while elevating her profile because Good Will Hunting’s own is a poster boy from Hollywood and I guess Weinstein productions and his drunk degenerate ass needs all the help in can get….the modern Cuban Nanny that won’t get deported when the neighbors call Immigration because she’s got the right paperwork unlike J.Lo’s staff at her Miami mansions but no one ever talks about that.

These are her hard nipples we’ve seen topless cuz she gets topless in movies, it’s all part of being famous.


Posted in:Ana De Armas