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Bikini Girl Gets In Trouble for a Thong of the Day

Here are the freedom fighting lawbreakers the world needs, trashy girls in skimpy bikinis willing to get in trouble all for the freedom and rights to wear the smallest bikini covering they fucking can….then turn it into some sort of political movement of empowerment…in a “don’t slut shame me as my mound is exposed on the beach for old perverts to jack off to me the way I want them to on my only fans, but for some reason I can’t get enough members so I’ll go to a place where kids play and basically “Asshole Behind Thong” my way into a video”…

I’m not a slut shamer, I think all women should be forced to wear see through or plastic outfits everywhere so that I know how meaty their cunts are….that should be the fucking law, not some “cover up and only show your ankles”….but I do like seeing slutty girls get in trouble for being sluts as they are all too liberal with their slut behavior thanks to the internet…even if it gets them a viral video or not.

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