I'll Make You Famous…




Jenny Mollen Pantsless of the Day

Jenny Mollen Nude

Jenny Mollen is pretty irrelevant, not that relevance matters, but for these entertainers it usually does….but I think she may be an inspirational story to sugar babies everywhere…and if there’s one thing Sugar Babies need, it’s inspirational stories of landing a rich dude.

From my understanding of her story, which is not a very good one, because who gives a fuck about Jenny Mollen, she was a very very low level actor who barely existed but who I guess people found funny on social media…mainly twitter….like a Chrissy Teigen or other idiots who have careers thanks to twitter….I am not one of those people, but you would think I would have excelled at twitter, if they didn’t delete my account…

Anyway, people ended up giving her a writing job or two, maybe on Playboy or some other shitty dude websites, which helped legitimize her twitter, unfortunately not this shitty website, because I write it my damn self…and it wouldn’t legitimize shit…

So from twitter and bullshit acting and some low level blogging…she met Jason Biggs, who I guess made a fucking fortune of American Pie, it was a huge movie that I am sure the woke generation would have a meltdown if they saw it today, but at the time it was edgy, disgusting, a classic….I even saw it in the movies and was like “this is a win” and I hate everything…

Anyway, she got in with Biggs, who was basically the guy rich from American Pie since he hasn’t acted since, they made babies, they document their family on social media like a couple of assholes, or like that hot chick who married the retarded guy for the hype of the Youtube channel, I don’t trust her, if you’ve seen her, you won’t trust her either….

Over the last decade or more of them being a hollywood couple that is barely hollywood, but they do hang with Chelsea Handler, Mollen, has consistently done the thirst trap thing, mainly while pregnant, but we’ve seen her naked over the last decade for sure and now she’s pantsless which isn’t all that bad despite her being 40 and a mom of multiple babies because she’s skinny….

I don’t even know if she’s pantsless or in grey leggings, but we’ll go with pantsless and why the fuck are her legs grey…and that’s all I have to say about that.

Jenny Mollen Nude


Posted in:Jenny Mollen