I'll Make You Famous…




Annalynn McCord Topless of the Day

AnnaLynn McCord Topless

In trying to keep drunkenstepfather relevant, with all odds against us, thanks to social media and all those other platforms that are stealing eyeballs from my slow to the gate lazy fucking ass, who at one time was relevant enough because there was no social media and the big box media sites had 2 week production cycles and didn’t understand that instant gratification and the posting of immediate content on the internet was what people actually wanted, until all the advertisers moved to the internet and those rich fucks decided to rain on my fucking parade…that was a pretty depressing, destitude, homeless, piss scented, shit stained, bootleg parade, I wasn’t getting rich off this shit, but like an influencer of this generation, just doing it for the people was enough reward for my broke ass….but I’m still here…for now….

What I am trying to say is in trying to keep the site relevant, here’s some Annalynn McCord topless trying to stay relevant, you know since no one anywhere gives a fuck about this bitch….or her toplessness…I mean she could release a sex tape and 10 people will buy it, just because they went to high school with her and want to see her asshole clenching a cock….

What I am trying to say is that saying I am using Annalynn McCord to keep the site relevant….was a joke….but since no one understands internet sarcasm anymore, as they are all literal autistic robots…I feel it is important to hold your virtual COVID hand and walk you through it…


Posted in:AnnaLynn McCord