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Bella Hadid the Lesbian of the Day

Auntie Bella Hadid, or is it Uncle…is taking advantage of the birth of her sister’s baby to get some hype around herself with these lesbian pics of her and some sexual predator.

The other day there were some pics of a very manly Bella Hadid, because I’ve been saying she’s gotta be a man for as long as she’s existed, all hard faced even with the plastic surgery, and tits can be bought motherfuckers…plus she’s got that hairy chest and all…it jut made sense…

As it turns out, she is in fact the lesbian she’s always looked like, or at least she dabbles in the cunt, as proven by these clickbait, self produced lesbian porn pics, because everyone in her generation is a some gender fluid, sexuality fluid, weirdo….it only makes sense.

The other woman in the pics is Stella Maxwell, who you know as the straight girl predator, convincing all the otherwise straight girls to eat pussy, because I guess she’s just that persistent and doesn’t get called out for that persistence since MeToo only applies to men..

This isn’t the first pussy she’s convinced to try the sloppy fish cutlet on fish cutlet scissoring, it’s actually her fetish and she does it consistently to elevate her own name…luckily she’s hot about it…which makes the whole lesbianism with her not so lesbian at all…because real lesbians like woman who look like lesbians because they are also women who look like lesbians…the idea of a lesbian going for a VS model, is more a girl trying to be a straight dude…

All this to say, all these fuckers and brokedown weirdos….and also that Bella Hadid is not hot…even when she’s clickbaiting like a horny pervert bitch….


Posted in:Bella Hadid|Stella Maxwell