I guess this is called “when youtube fails”….
Trisha Paytas is a Youtuber, who I guess got her start as a stripper, but in 2012 found Youtube as a great venue to get an audience and make that money, but like anything, that Youtube money probably dwindled and her spending habits remained the same, I mean she’s got billions of views and probably made MILLIONS….but with the whole COVID making sex work, fan sites, spreading asshole to pay the rent the trendy thing to do, I guess she hopped on that.
I didn’t know who Trisha Paytas was, or at least I didn’t remember her because I don’t pay attention to shitty youtubers who have done shitty reality tv or shitty attention seeking viral nonsense….but her name was trending on Twitter for her posting a straight up spread butthole pic you’d expect from a girl on reddit pushing her only fans, or a girl of online dating, because all girls have spread butthole pics, the butthole is what links us all together…it is genderless…
A year ago, her stunt was saying that she identifies as a Female To Male Transgener Gay man…..anything for the views…but I think the asshole is a better tactic….
So here’s that Youtuber spreading that asshole…

Posted in:viral