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Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Milky Breast Monday is one of those posts I fucking hate, but do anyway, because I figure if people are actively producing this content, there’s a need for it to be compiled weekly and put out there for all the weirdos into this kind of thing….

As a pervert, I can understand the sexualization of basically anything….I don’t necessarily agree with the sexualization of everything, but I can get that tits are hot and the functional purpose of tits, beyond tits being hot in all sizes, or being great ofr titty fucking or titty cummed on or titty sucked or titty grabbed for 10 dollars a song…i mean the actual functional purpose of tits….to feed offspring….gross, I know…

So I don’t know where the lines got blurred for these exhibitionists who were at one time pregannt and who still lactate…I know that there’s sexual appeal to anything tit related, and maybe these moms liked when they were breast feeding, they liked the release when their breasts got gorged, dudes everywhere liked the fullness of the tits so they kept pumping even after the baby was off the tit….or maybe there husband liked being showered in tit milk….so much that they decided “let’s take this to the internet”….

So here they are…taking it to the internet to be hot for the people into titty lactaction….which could be you since you were never breast fed, it could be homeless people since they are hungry, or it could be weirdos into biological systems like titties making milk…a fucking weird and terrifying concept…

I do like that women have the ability to find or feel hot doing anything cuz dudes are so fucking horny and desperate they’ll give nothing but praise and support and tell them how hot they are so they do more…life.

Posted in:Lactating