Bella Hadid’s got a hot new look because she’s in a mask, not her traditional mask that is all the jacked up plastic surgery that the fashion industry celebrates and allows people to think is her natural look, because they are irresponsible and don’t realize she’s the ugly troll sister with no business being a top high paid model, but she converts sales, like an ambitious AVON lady at a Gifting Table event, the “influencer” so the fact that she’s not naturally beautiful doesn’t matter, they can just spin it however they want in order to maintain those sales she converts….it’s all pretty dumb….
I do find it funny that the industry or the media pushes this inclusivity, body positivity, support all women, bullshit….while all these people preaching that are jacking up their faces and bodies to look like muppet sex toy looking porn girls….despite porn girls being trash….
So you have these rich kids trying to be edgy and down, hanging with rappers and looking like they are about to take a bukkake in a gangbang porn….all to give the illusion of not being some coddled rich kid…it’s nothing new…
But their lies about inclusivity are reduced to comical, barely comical, because they don’t buy it either…they are starving themselves out, sucking their fat out of their gunt and re-instating it in their tits and ass….it’s the way uglies get sex appeal…
So as this vapid, vain, UGLY rich kid keeps on winning, at least her tits are out…and like I said, the MASK is a welcomed addition because she’s typically a fucking monster…doing that high fashion monster mash.

Posted in:Bella Hadid