I may be overly hard on celebrities for their lack of being hot enough to deserve their payouts they command….but I do not have standards for myself in my everyday life….I’ll stick my dick in anything, or really my fingers or tongue, I don’t fear throat cancer, anal cancer, AIDS, I figure we all have to die eventually and that shit just builds my immunity…like a homeless man who drinks from puddles lasting on the streets for 50 years….I think dirty living leads to good living..
Sometimes, my expectations for celebrities are lowered, my no standards way of life finds it way onto this very high profile, luxurious website that ALL the advertisers can’t get enough from…..and Emma Kenney happens…
I remember her on Shameless back when I first watched it and she was the ugly redhedaded sister that was probably a teen and totally unmemorable with little to no hope of every being hot….but then Emmy Rossum happened and that disgusting, vile human being and her money grubbing after that show put her on the map happened….all crying she doesn’t get enough because movie star WILLIAM H MACY, who was one of the first serious movie actors to hit a TV series made more than her…and rightfully show….do you really think anyone would have watched Shameless without him….obviously not…
I was actually happy the producers told her to fuck off, even in this era of WOMEN’S RIGHTS whining, despite women having rights, and stood their ground….because you know she was mooching off the general discourse, not that I know what discourse means, but she was trying to take advantage of what was going on in the media, making it about her, to put pressure, to get more money….fuck that greedy bitch…
So they eliminated her, rightfully so, and Emma Kenney became the new main female character, and despite not being hot, what she represents is hot…a death to Emmy Rossum….
Plus she’s got big tits.

Posted in:Emma Rose Kenney