I know that Bella Hadid is some top influencer that pretends that she’s a model because the fashion industry jerks her off into thinking that she is…they are all a bunch of pussy suck up losers chasing clout…
Seriously, what kind of person do you think is drawn to work in the fashion industry, not a very socially conscious person who cares about the environment, since that industry destroys the world…but rather groupie fucks who want to think they are important selling 10 dollars sweatshirts for 1000 dollars to idiots of the internet and in order to do that they need people like Bella Hadid, that has become universally accepted as a model, despite looking like a hard faced foot, because the world is filled with idiot suck up losers….including Bella Hadid…
She’s just a rich kid who could buy her dream working amongst idiots who like the sales she generates with her 40 million followers, but she’s not interesting, she’s not hot, if anything she’s trash….plastic surgery ridden trash…but she’s viral trash and committed to the bullshit lie that she’s a model since everyone believes it, and she so badly wants to believe it, meaning it’s bullshit ontop of bullshit, and I guess that works when the world is basically bullshit too.
If she wanted to do something meaningful, maybe she’s list of plastic surgeries she’s had for girls who look up to her thanks to being ignorant fucks who believe the internet….to know she’s fake as fuck..and what she’s selling people is useless dog shit that doesn’t make you cooler, proven by the fact that she’s not cool…
So how can a loser become an icon that people look up to? From people who look up to people like Bella Hadid being fucking losers…and we definitely have a surplus of losers…I know because I am one….I’m an expert loser..while this loser’s winning.

Posted in:Bella Hadid