I had an argument with someone the other day who was saying that weed being legalized is the worst thing that could happen in the world….his theory is that weed makes people lazy, means they make less money, makes them sloths…or whatever…
This person is an anti-covid lockdown person who thinks the governemtn shouldn’t meddle in him going to the grocery store…but because he thinks weed makes people lazy….they should meddle in that…
My theory is that there really isn’t all that much to do in life, so you might as well be stoned, and the idea of chasing money or the “hustle’ or the “grind”…is just lame…what are you trying to prove over acheiver…that you can buy a better house or car than me…good job winner…
There is nothing wrong with lazy, if anything, it’s the reason all these girls get naked on the internet, because they don’t want to do real work when there’s so much money in selling nudes….and if WEED helps that laziness, makes things more fun and creative, then it helps all of us.
I believe that the government making weed illegal is exactly the same reason the government has locked us down…they run off whatever science appeals to them…fucking over the rest of us in the process….because weed is a plant that can be easily grown, it may or may not have health benefits, but it has fun benefits…and in terms of drugs…for anyone who has done drugs…weed is barely a drug…
All this to say, despite being a drunk, how could you not support a plant you can fucking smoke and get a buzz from….a plant that has helped girls realize lazy is good….a plant that gets em naked…and here are girls getting naked with their weed so you know how into weed they are…or maybe so they get dudes into weed into them…who knows…the whole ceremony around weed is lame to me…but tits aren’t..
Posted in:Weed