I'll Make You Famous…




Harley Quinn Smith Booty of the Day

I accidentally turned on Mall Rats the other day….

I hadn’t seen any Kevin Smith movies since the 90s when he was seen as some movie making god with friends like Ben Affleck.

The obese independent movie writing / directing hero who put out a bunch of trendy and “cool” movies of the era…..

The story is that he maxed out some credit cards when he was working at a videostore to flim CLERKS and run through the film festival circuit to get him noticed, or so they claim, assuming I remember his origin story right….

So despite being a video store working slacker into Comics and shit, he became hollywood, which means he didn’t have to stay a virgin forever, as money and fame get you pussy..

In getting pussy, he created his nerd daughter Harley Quinn Smith, who I think grew up with Lily Rose Depp and are BFFs, but that doesn’t matter.

What matters is that being under 25, means being a self producing smut producer, obviously at varying degrees of slut, in this case I’d say she’s a 2 on slutty 10, because there is an ass crack and some cleavage, but there is no fisting like the girls on reddit, I guess when you’re raised rich and a daughter of fame in Hollywood…she doesn’t need to get that raunchy for attention, she can set the slutty bar low…which is probably good since she’s not really very cute, but her trust fund tells a VERY DIFFERENT story.

Since you’re a bunch of nerds, her’s Kevin Smith’s nerd ejaculate in its adult form….unlike yours, it’s not in a jar next to your bed.


Posted in:Harley Quinn Smith