I don’t know why the cameltoe has become a go-to fashion statement from the young and the hip fashionistas of this generation, but that shit has gone viral and trickled down into the mainstream, where all girls are jacking their pants, panties, bathing suits, leggings, shorts, up into themelves…
I don’t know if the fat pussy mound is the cleavage of the generation, but I know that I’ve been into frontal wedgies since I was in Highschool and I noticed the lunch monitor’s cameltoe…life hasn’t been the same since…first glance is at pussy you know to make sure it’s there and now that life is lived behind a screen…I can zoom the fuck in and really see all their lips have to offer.
I find that exhilarating. Her’s a bunch of Pussy Wedgies..
Best fashion trend of the decade….even if we’re only a year and 13 days in.
Posted in:Pussy Wedgie