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Ashley Graham’s Nipples on Buzzfeed of the Day

Whilst trying to give birth to whatever my rotted out intestines decided was ready to painfully eject from my system, I was on my “smart” phone looking at “apple news” app because my “smart” phone is one controlled and operated by the evil empire that is Apple….

In this “apple news” app I came across a headline that read something like “Ashley Graham Shares Pregnancy Pics” because I guess whatever rotted out of intestines and was ejected out of her vagina, because she’s got one of those vaginas that has breached the intestines due to injury from taking massive fat girl shits, and like a crackhead who had a still birth in the back alley she lives in, she took that mass off what she assumed as fecal matter and started to breast feed it….and now at a year old…it has taken human form and she calls it her child..

Point being, in her round-up of pics, there’s a wet t-shirt pic, with her fat girl tits out, all hard nippled…and Instagram says “that’s cool, fat girl nipples are cool”….and Buzzfeed, who has mainstream advertising networks that turn down any small site for far less racy content, post it up like it’s not some fat girl titty fetish content…and that offends me.

Not as much as Ashley Graham offends me as she goes around making her millions of dollars for being fetishized by an industry as this fat icon needed to market products to the fatter generation of people who can’t relate to skinny bitches traditionally used, as they are a total other species of woman…

So this fatty is out there being celebrated, getting work, being told it’s ok to be fat, telling girls it is ok to be fat, which is fucking FAKE news that should be FLAGGED on twitter as one of their “this is not actual fact, this is lies, lets delete all these fat empowerment bitches, cuz we have proof that like smoking, fat fucking kills and telling kids it’s ok and HOT to be fat, is lies used to keep society sick, unhealthy, on meds, dying young, unable to protest or fight the system, because they are too busy eating their POISON junk food”….

So not only are the ad networks like GOOGLE full of shit, if you want to see the list of bullshit ad networks, all of whom have rejected running ads on DrunkenStepfather for being a “porn” site but think it’s cool for Buzzfeed to post fat Ashley Graham tits for empowerment and diversity, when anyone jerking off to her is a fucking weirdo pervert…you can CLICK HERE

Or maybe you’re more into fat girl tits, since fat girl tits is the only redeeming quality a fat girl can have….

All this to say, we live in a weird hypocritical, inconsistent society that confuses an Autistic fuck like me……an I don’t care that Buzzfeed gets away with tits cuz they are high trafficked billion dollar media company, I am just saying how I am blacklisted for the same content, that’s discrimination and I’d care more if I was actually producing this content instead of reposting it to say “LOOK AT THIS FATTY AND HER FATTY TITS”….

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