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Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I am not a breeder or interested in breeding, I find it some basic animalistic instinct that is ridiculously inconvenient and totally unrewarding.

Anytime I see people, especially young people, pushing their stroller, the dude always looking exhausted and miserable, because he knows in his soul that being in this mess fucking sucks and that he’d be better off just playing videogames and jerking off to porn, I mean sex is good and all, but sex with life changing results with a bitch who is just going to get older and older, is pretty depressing.

I don’t know how they convinced us into having kids, there seems to be nothing fun about having kids, if anything it’s just a weird perversion, or just something for simple minds to do….because sure, seeing a young version of yourself can be rewarding if they end up doing something substantial with their lives, but 99.9 percent of people just end up lazy, miserable, in shit jobs living unimpressive lives, so maybe that time and energy spent on being a dad or parent could be spent on you living your best life, your substantial life, where kids aren’t really in the mix…

So to me, the whole breast milk thing is nothing hot…swollen hormonal tits with a banged out pussy is not my fetish…the only benefit of breast milk would be if I survived a plane crash with a group of people and one happened to be lactating, I’d latch on for LIFE and start sucking that human dairy out of her, but in everyday life, when not in some traumatic survival mode, breasts filled with milk, doing what breasts were desinged to do, are better for the dads that got those breasts full of milk to experience new / bigger breasts before they dry up and they go back to just empty sacks of mom tit…

What I am saying is that anyone into breast milk as a fetish, who isn’t a dad who has already traded his balls in for a “family” experience, and is just happy to have a new version of an old tit that he’s stuck with for life, is just a werido…so you are a weirdo….

Posted in:Lactating