I talk shit on Charlotte Lawrence because she’s basically a nobody with famous and successful parents….trying to launch a music career because what the fuck else is a rich kid raised in entertainment to do…
I like to think it’s one of those things where the parents see themselves as artists, despite being sell outs who make sitcoms, which basically zero fucking artistry, like all the famous fucks in Hollywood, no matter how many BERETS and SCARVES they wear…
So they have this kid, who’s a little on the wild side, as kids are these days, and figure she’s got no other options and if her whole music thing works out, how great that would make the family look…you know gift your kid her dreams…so hire a PR company and let her do nude shit to find her brand image….and I guess this TIT ON TIT is part of her marketing campaign..
So edgy, she eats pussy like every girl her age…
I am obviously not AGAINST this approach, I just find it funny that mainstream rich people have become this trying to be edgy naked shit…it’s silly…

Posted in:charlotte lawrence