I refer to Hailee Steinfeld as the hottest of the A-Listers, because she’s a young A-Lister who gets paid a lot to be in the movies and who gets cast in legit big budget movies, which by my standards makes her an A-Lister…and that’s important to me in a world filled with bootleg social media influencers being hired to work in the mainstream….I like what is likely the last of the mohicans where the mohicans are produced or created by the industry that’s had it’s puppet master hands up all of our asses since we were kids…..you know there’s comfort in familiarity and comfort in just being told someone is famous…rather than having to hear about their viral videos or social media wins….you know just put a babe in the movies and let the rest happen organically…
I don’t know if there are many other young under 25 year olds in Hollywood who weren’t created by Youtube or Instagram or TikTok….I mean I guess thre’s Elle Fanning….but the rest are all in their 30s….so take in these A-Lister legs looking hotter than ever because she’s got sluts of instagram to compete with in efforts to keep the pure hollywood celebrity alive…and the sluts of instagram sell pics of their buttholes…so she’s got a lot of sexualizing of herself to do going forward…and this pandemic has got her fit enough to do just that….so be excited.
Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld