I'll Make You Famous…




Jordyn Jones Taking Pics of Her Ass of the Day

Jordyn Jones is some white trash from Kalamazoo Michigan who’s father died of alcoholism….so you know they’re the right kind of white trash….you know who would sell their kids off to the reality TV shows as a child to get some attention because that’s the AMERICAN dream….

I am convinced she’s going to end up 300 pounds missing a foot or two from Diabetes, because I know what middle of the road low income looks like in Michigan…all that Lead water man…it causes Autism…

But for now, she’s got a rocking body, probably from all the dance she does, and she sells access to her bikini pics, where she shows off her hot dance ass, and if you’ve ever fucked a dancer, you’ll know they fuck right….they have the stamina, the rhythm, the excitement a performer has in their riding of your dick…which makes her ass all the more interesting…

I saw last week that she’s moving to Florida, like everyone, and I’m surprised she didn’t already live in Florida, as it’s probably the Michigan dream….at least based on white trash I know in Canada that think Florida is the dream…while Michigan is basically Canada…they have stronger Canadian accents than Canadians….not that it matters, it just means there will be a lot more pics of her ass now that selling ass is more lucrative than selling whatever she sells as a child dancer reality star….

I’m into it, even if she looks either inbred or fetal alcohol poisoned…a loot that works for me because white trash women are fun even when they have money….and it is amazing that being on a reality show as a child allows her to live in LA, drive Teslas and all that other shit, prior to selling the nudes, but since she’s selling the nudes….it all makes sense…

Life lesson….sell nudes.


Posted in:Jordyn Jones