I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne Not Wearing Pants of the Day

Bella Thorne is a lot of fun…

I have an internal struggle, not about whether she’s self made or part of a master strategic plan by her team….but an internal struggle about why I bother writing this site….and obviously she’s part of a master strategic plan by her team.

Sure, there are kids who launch youtubes, who understand marketing, digital marketing, monetization, all that other shit that I don’t understand and contribute to my internal struggle about updating this site….

But Bella Thorne is not one of those kids….and sure, if she was a one of those kids, she’d have a lot of success with doing the same tactics they do, thanks to having been put together by Disney, trained by Disney, with followers from Disney…..BUT why would Disney or her management that invested in her to be whatever she is ever let her go….

It’s far more likely that they saw what the youtubers did, knew they needed to compete, knew they had Bella Thorne ready to launch, and sexualized her, made her relateable, had her on all platfroms that kids go….all to get the fans to stick by her, trick them into thinking it is legit, so they watch her movies and buy her merch and music and whatever…because why would they ever let an earner they’ve invested go….not to mention she’s been trained to take direction and in being an actor this is all an act…

What it comes down to is who cares, she’s pantseless…


Posted in:Bella Thorne