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Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed should be legal in the USA, or at least in every state, because why the fuck not make that tax money on drugs like the corrupt motherfuckers the government typically are…you know taxing us from every angle and controlling everything about us while telling us how free we are…it’s a scam that I didn’t sign up for…

But I do think the fact that weed was ever illegal is just as big of a problem brought to you by BIG brother….because it’s a fucking plant, it’s medicinal, it’s got nothing but positive things….but for whatever reason it’s “GO TO JAIL”….and take all these weird ass meds made in a fucking lab out of random chemicals instead of just being a fucking organic plant…it’s crazy…

I don’t know if that will increase weed use, or if it will increase weed models by allowing mainstream models to openly hop on the trend, or if it will curb the ‘naughty’ and danger these girls feel promoting weed, or showing of they smoke weed, like it’s a stunt or a skill….

I just know these are weed girls for dudes into girls who smoke weed and some look like you’d expect, others are hot….and that’s how it works out I guess..

Posted in:Weed