I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Monday is about the rebirth….which is why I do MILF Monday and Milky Mondays….you know to get all the middle aged women who have thrown their own lives and bodies into the trash to devote themselves to a child that is only half theirs….but that grew inside them like a parasite before crawling out of them like an alien probe going the wrong way….only to continue being a parasite for the rest of their fucking lives…turning to you to mooch off you in various ways…only for you to give into them because you’ve been tricked into LOVING them unconditionally, even though they don’t appreciate you for shit and see you as their caregiver who just gets in the fucking way…a thankless task being a parent….

But yes, Monday is about the rebirth and finding lactacting women showing off the nourishing benefits of tits, before a week of celebrity tit ahead of us, to offset or at least prove that we’re not misogynists…or the patriarchy objectifying women and their tits….sexualizing their tits…we’re here for the biological purpose of tits….SPRAYING MILK AT THE CAMERA FOR REDDIT…

I don’t know why these ladies think milky tits are a fetish, but I guess their just hyped on having engorged tits and want to share that joy with you…empowerment or something…

I don’t love lactating tits, but I probably would if I was a monogamous man stuck with a wife who rooked me into breeding with her…..I mean the new full tits and all their milky goodness would be the closet you’d get to a new set of tits…so take it in.

I don’t know why people of the internet get off to lactating tits…but maybe it taps into something wired in us for survival…LATCH ONTO THE TIT…it will keep you alive…the first lesson we learn out of the womb and a lesson I am committed to in this week of celebrating TIT….

Inspiring, I know…

Posted in:Lactating