I'll Make You Famous…




Kendall Jenner Crop Top of the Day

Kendall Jenner represents a family that represents all that is wrong with society…

They fake their “hotness” and sex appeal, they built their celebrity off of porn, but instead of being cancelled, they got a hit TV show that I’ve never seen an episode of, but that I know fucking sucks…which allowed them to become the most irritating “Pitch Men” in the history of spokespeople who push shit you don’t need on the public…and they got very fucking rich in the process..

You know the Kardashians, you know they are evil and overrated, but masterful digital marketers….an d the only real redeeming Kardashian around is Kendall Jenner, which isn’t to say she should have ever been a “top model”…or that it wasn’t just because the family trained their audience to buy, so anyone who works with her convert sales, making her “pay for herself”….which in a world based on money grubbing is a good thing, people want to make more money…but in a world where I’d like to see more unique creative ideas put out there…rather than just idiots running after a paycheck..it’s all pretty fucking gross…

You see, even after they’ve made all their crazy money, they aren’t doing innovative things that progress society, they just do the bare minimum and I am sure they are responsible in part for the dumbing down of society…everyone trying to be an influencer….I just don’t understand how anyone subscribed to their bullshit, followed their bullshit, and tried to emulate their bullshit, whole buying all the bullshit they told them to buy…

HOWEVER, at least Kendall’s go that taller, skinny, less plastic looking body, even if everything this family does is face, except maybe for Bruce cutting off his dick, I think that was real….and fucking crazy.


Posted in:Kendall Jenner