I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I know that no one gives a fuck about this site or what I have to say. The old expression of if you keep on doing something and expect different results you’re crazy, meaning that no one’s ever given a shit about this site or what I have to say….

I am sure that with all my anti-covid shit, saying it is a scam, that the Government can’t be trusted and that they are owned by big pharma, that the PCR tests don’t work, that it was created in a lab, you know the things EVERYONE should think is happening, instead of passively injecting themselves with medication that’s not proven, because they are TOLD to, or told they’ll get their freedoms back, and that those who don’t are RUINING it for everyone, which I’ve heard the whole pandemic and it isn’t fucking true…it’s not a “If everyone locks themselves in a basement for a year, COVID will go away” situation….so those who don’t lock themselves in a basement aren’t actually the problem, they’re just marketed that way…but yeah, I am sure with my constant questioning of what’s going on out there has made me FAR less popular…than the low level popular I was….

But I’ll keep doing it, keep saying it, I got nothing else to do as the sink keeps sinking….

So here are some MILKY TITS, a weird fetish, but one you will appreciate if the rumors are true and the next generation of children won’t exist because of all these people mass sterilizing themselves over a virus they’d likely survive…

So I like when women breast feed in public, cuz I get to see their tits, it’s like a bonus at the coffee shop….Oh a MATCHA LATTE and TITS…how lucky we all are…but it’s not something I’d google to jerk off to…because the natural function of a titty, which is sustaining life for a baby, is not erotic…so keep your damn milk to yourself…unless it’s in public to give us all that added bonus for leaving the house…

I don’t know what the motivation in all these is, but TITS be SQUIRTING milk, invite these girls to your bunker, they’re better than trying to get a cow into your bunker, plus you can fuck them more efficiently and less weirdly….so MILKY tits may not be the FUTURE thanks the “JAB” but they should be the future for your bunker if this Apocalypse thing ever gets started….

Posted in:Lactating