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Chelsea Handler is Gay of the Day

I got in a minor Facebook, despite hating social media, argument with some gays because they were mad someone posted that the NFL dude coming out being treated as a hero was pretty obnoxious, since who the fuck cares who fucks whatever they chose to fuck, this gay thing is out of hand, if everyone is gay, what’s the big fucking deal….

I typically avoid Facebook and all social media because they are the fucking devil on all levels and have never done anything good for me, especially now in the era of uptight fucks sitting their waiting to be mad…

I remember right before Twitter deleted my “new” account during the Oscars or some shit, I called out some tired comedian’s skit and some lady made it a race thing, and I wasn’t even thinking of the comedian’s race, realizing, we’ve lost the battle…everyone was easily triggered which is hilarious on a level, but not when they side with the triggered….

Anyway, all these gays got mad at me for agreeing that the gay thing shouldn’t be a talking point, it’s not the 90s when the real gay revolution happened, it’s more a fetish now, something different to do, as everyone is becoming Brave New World fuck each other at all times cuz cumming is good…

So seeing Handler and the top of her fake tits with her pride flag is like seeing corporations with the pride flag…or the white house with the pride flag…it’s pandering…and if she really wanted to trigger the gays, she should uncross those legs and show us her balls.


Posted in:Chelsea Handler