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Fishnet Friday of the Day

With everyone so angry at white men, the patriarchy, and all that other bullshit, that is really just a small percentage of people, but thanks to laziness, and the media not actually bothering to dig into real stories that matter, it’s easier to run with the whiners of the internet and give them purpose and validation…..

No one I know gives a fuck about any of this woke shit, they all think it is dumb, even the annoying college kids…it’s just a small handful of annoying nerds with nothing better to do who may not have found masturbation or drug addiction as a good way to distract oneself from the injustices of the world, because they are being rewarded and now feel part of a movement. I’ve seen protestors over the last 20 years…Occupy Wall Street, etc…and it was never the cool hot people…it was always who you expected it to be…those who should be ignored…

Anyway, with all the wokeness, from Lingerie brands casting uglies to everything else, you’d think the opppressive and misogynistic FISHNET and all it represents historically, and practically, because a fish net is designed to catch fish….free fish swimming…by man to feed his insatiable desires of eating….but I guess when it’s a piece of clothing you can monetize, you don’t bother burning the home of its founder….or tearing down his statues….focusing on historical sexism…losers.

Posted in:Fishnets