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Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I don’t give a fuck about whether a person gets the vaccine or not, I figure it’s a matter of personal choice and if you believe the news, or the memes, or succumb to the pressures of the powers that be, or the bribes of the powers that be, while knowing it’s experimental and not FDA approved, good on ya, I do hope for the best, but have little hope in it based on everything I’ve seen, including, but not limited to vaccinated people still getting sick….

I just find it unfortunate that the people were lied to about a lot of things, from masks being effective when you’re not sick, to the PCR tests officially not being able to differentiate influenza from COVID, but more importantly, that it gave out 70 percent false positives, meaning all the numbers you were told in the fear mongering were false….BUT AT LEAST we know why “The Flu” had zero deaths in 2020, compared to 2019 when it was called the flu….but yeah, I find it unfortunate that people’s minds are clouded by emotions, where they blame the unvaccinated, rather than the people who lied to them…and whenever anyone contests the narrative you are told, they just have emotional freak outs because they don’t want to ask the questions, because they don’t want to know the answer, but DEEP in their soul, you know they must know, assuming they still have a soul and it hasn’t been killed off by porn addiction and prescription anti-depressants….

So get the vaccine, the boosters, for whatever reason you want, if it kills you, you did what you felt you had to do, like that influencer who died taking a bikini pic by a waterfall this past week, I don’t remember her name but I know she died from taking a bikini selfie for her cause…a waste of a life, but also a waste of a bikini pic…

You gotta ask, why the “experts” are lying to people, I figure it’s because they have dirt on them, or they just reward them with a lot of money, people will do anything for Money, just ask Stephen Colbert, that puppet….or in the case of frontline workers, call them frontline workers, like they are the frontline in the military running into fire….tell them they are heroes…they’ll keep the storyline of how bad COVID is going…they profit from it….

So anyone profiting off a pandemic that is killing people and not even from the virus itself, but from suicide, going broke, street drugs….is the fucking enemy who can’t be listened to….

So when listening to ANYONE talking to you about this shit, make sure they aren’t being rewarded for it, that’s called a CONFLICT of interest….but look at their tits.

Posted in:NURSES