I'll Make You Famous…




Milf Monday of the Day

As you probably know, I am not really about the COVID lockdowns, masking, social distancing, vaccine, vaccine passport protocols. They make no sense to me

There are a lot of reasons for this, including that it’s all based of fear mongering, if you google this shit you can see the data and no one is asking the people making these decisions any tough questions based on that data, or information out there….no one fucking asks any of the fucking questions!

I was listening to the government funded radio in Canada yesterday, to see what propaganda they were pushing on people, because I actually read the information available to us, and I heard some Doctor named Dr Wong from Regina Saskatchewan whining about how they don’t have mask mandates, or high vaccine rates and how they are a hot bed of covid, without mentioning that the pcr tests don’t work, so it is impossible to determine a person actually has covid, so I googled the Icu numbers to see the deal, and as it turns out there were under 20 people province wide in the icu….if the public health care doesn’t have the resources to support 20 people…that’s ridiculous.

People, what a scam, where is the tax money going, scammers….and the journalist didn’t ask or challenge the dude he just supported it to help the fear mongering. These people have no brains.

What does this have to do with MILFS, well, one of the callers was a kid who called into say she doesn’t like wearing masks, where the host pushed her with things like “but you know why you do right”….and she’s like “My mask gets wet and it’s gross to breathe” and the host is like “bring more masks”….without saying….KIDS ARE NOT AT RISK FOR COVID…

Then some other woman called in angry that they don’t have vaccines in the kids or that the teachers can’t be force vaccinated because of ASYMPTOMATIC spread in the kids…which hasn’t been proven to be a thing, like masks not working, and the host doesn’t mention any of that…he didn’t say “by asymptomatic” do you mean “HEALTHY”….

THEN THERE WERE PARENTS CALLING in angry that they can’t vaccinate their kids yet, and that they can’t wait to….INJECT THEIR KIDS with a fucking shot that could hurt them, that has hurt other young people, while COVID itself didn’t…

SO fucking brainwashed, based on zero logic, zero thought, because they are either braindead from the vaccine breaking through the brain barrier, or maybe…they’ve been conditioned all these years…

EVEN WORSE…a friend of mine has a kid who had his first day of school, and the indoctrinators forced him to watch a video about how good vaccines are…when that’s not true…VACCINES have never been good…vaccines are full of gross and bad shit and are the root of a lot of the viruses they are supposed to end those viruses…

It’s a fucking cult and these MILFs are to blame for not protecting their babies from the state….THEY need to protect their kids from the state….how can a parent not protect their kid from the state….

It’s horrible, not that I care about kids or even moms, I actually fear the whole birthing process, but I’ll get down to them being sluts….

I’m not a stepfather because of a fetish, I am a stepfather for free rent.

Posted in:Milf