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Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Milky tits are a fetish. Nutritious and possibly delicious thanks to the package it comes in….not really a fetish of mine, I find it all so weird…but a fetish to some, or at least a skill they want to show off when they have the chance, before they dry up…and while prepping and planning for the impending apocalypse I know that I want as many milk filled tits as possible in my bunker…IT IS FEEDING TIME!

Here are some moms who I will assume didn’t get an abortion after reaching lactation titty level of pregnant…I figure there’s a moment in pregnancy where the tits start fucking squirting…

So this is probably not pornographic to any of the left wing people out there fighting for the right to kill their babies…

Did you see that one woman with the “I’ve Had 21 Abortions” like that’s a good thing and not representative of her being totally irresponsible with her body….”CUM IN ME, I’ll just abort”…and clearly she did….I’d repost the picture here, but I’m too lazy to find it since no one reads this site. I am sure you know girls like that in your everyday life…they exist.

I wasn’t always anti-abortion, but when I realize that Bill Gates’ dad ran planned parenthood, and that planned parenthood literally sells baby organs once they reach a certain age of development, which is far older than the 6 weeks people are mad about in Texas….I realized that abortion is pretty fucking vile and should be the last option available for a woman’s family planning…

I love that they play the whole “you’re a man, you have no opinion on this”….well if that’s the case…why do I have tits, a clit sized penis and most importantly, gender is just a construct of society that is not real..

We are all allowed to have whatever fucking opinion we want about any fucking thing…it’s called being fucking human…

Also, the whole “My Body My Choice” by a bunch of idiots crying at people to get a vaccine that isn’t a vaccine, can suck my clit sized dick, it’ll be like a wad of bubblegum and hardly and vulgar or aggressive as it sounds, you know the kind of thing that gets the feminists crying….”he said suck my dick, that was so threatening, I blame the patriarchy”….

So these tits, lactating in all their glory, is a fight against the satanists trying to sacrifice your babies, even if the women doing this are feminists defending their right to show their tits for you to jack off to their tits in exchange for money…

Lactating tits remind me of childbirth, childbirth reminds me of more retards filling our streets, which is really the only reason I loved abortion in the first place, too many shitty people making shitty kids, who learn in shitty schools, and who have shitty idols, to create a world where they try to police and control my shitty life…when I just want to be left the fuck alone…

So I guess this is worse than watching girls fighting for the right to kill their babies because it means more babies…even though we’ve got enough of those ruining our fucking lives right now…but I still think seeing women protesting the right to kill babies is a perfect fucking representation of our society…no one should be proud they killed a baby, no matter how unwanted the pregnancy is….the only people who love abortion more than these woke women, are literally satanists who do it as a religious sacrifice to their lord…so I guess those progressives are in good company….fucking idiots.

Posted in:Lactating