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Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I was watching some babies drinking from their momma cow’s teet this weekend and thought, what a beautiful thing to see how nature has equipped us with the tools we need to survive, we are nothing more than just animals who could survive if we had to because that’s how evolution works….so outside of industrialization, and modern conveniences that have made us soft and lazy fucks, we can live off the land because we’ve evolved this way…..but then I thought “damn that lady is fat”….reminding me a very important lesson that not all the public breast feeders are created equally…some remind me of barn animals, you know because I am craving a life out in nature, but stuck in an urban park….while others remind me of a milky tit fetish, that I didn’t realize I have, assuming it was just for married dudes excited their wife has new full tits, because I am not into breeders, I typically get grossed out by them, but realize in this era that it’s potentially a dying thing, plus the tits are pulled out, so I’m ok thinking “damn, I’d like to latch onto those, especially in this impending supply shortage we may be facing….BRING ALL THE MILKY TIT LADIES together to fill up oil drums with their milk for our SURVIVAL….and here are some girls auditioning for the job, cuz they are clearly pretty stoked to have lactating tits so that you don’t have to….

Posted in:Lactating