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Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed is one of those things that I’ve realized in recent years is a gift from God, or a gift of nature which in turn is a gift from God, and that’s precisely why it’s been banned, censored, deleted, alienated….because they can’t have a gift from God available to his people to either help you sleep, help you focus, help you relax, help you through depression or anxiety…maybe it helps you reach that higher level of consciousness…I don’t know, but it’s grown in the garden, not processed, and from the earth…so HOW COULD IT BE BAD…

I know that people argue that it’s the devil’s lettuce, but that’s precisely what the devil would want you to think to keep your from using it…and then you think “well why is the Canadian Government legalizing it”….some conspiracy people think it is to keep people dumb, you know lazy on netflix…the tools to keep you retarded…because EMF and programming through pop culture and social isn’t enough…give them something to really medicate them especially if they aren’t the kind of person on all those anti-depressants, which is the minority and likely where a lot of our problems as a society started…MEDICATE EVERYONE.

I would argue that they may have been trying to medicate and retard the population, but it was likely just to tax something they couldn’t control, since they love fucking tax….

But I know nothing about anything, I just think weed’s the weakest high, has great benefits medically and industrially and it’s too easy to produce that they hate it….but not so much if they can tax it….

These are some weed activists, fighting for their right to weed, or they love of weed through smut…the way all activism SHOULD be….

Posted in:Weed