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Tanline Thursday of the Day

Highlight the good parts, that’s what we call the TAN LINES….NATURE’s HIGHLIGHTER…for those of you from an era when we used papers and pens, there was this device called a highlighter and you’d use it to highlight key words in documents so that you could highlight what was important in the event you ever had to go back to it for the published facts, that were probably not actually facts, since the publishers have always been rewriting history and controlling the narrative to keep us peasants in the dark, but the highlighter was a great tool….

Now I don’t know if the person who invented the highlighter was someone who watched some naked sluts with tan lines from a day at the beach in bikinis…and said “shit, contrasts make things pop”….but I like to think that is the origin story…and the reason why the tanline will outlive the highlighter…because it’s from the SUN…

I mean, sure, there’s a chance the people at MSN decide to turn off the sun, those natural hormones the sun gives us, because it’s the SOURCE of all life on this planet is being penalized for it’s GLOBAL WARMING capabilities…so that we can live under a dark cloud of hell…you know where some of these people will likely feel at home…mainly workaholic nerd fucks with their computer tans..

SO TAKE in these tanlines before they turn off the sun, even if half of these are probably fake tans…SMOTHER YOURSELF IN CHEMICALS for that NATURAL look instead of just getting the NATURAL look….losers.

Posted in:Tanlines