I'll Make You Famous…




Lizzo’s Wardrobe Malfunction of the Day

What is it that they say? A picture says 1000 words. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I am at a lack of words or that I am all that shocked in this terrifying, we must be living in Hell already, outfit choice made by someone who has taken body positivity one step too far, as the fame has clearly got to her head, but I am close to being at a loss of words. The normalizng of fat chicks has gone to far and anyone who endorses this or gets turned on by this has been indoctrinated into evil. This is neither healthy or hot, it is just weird clickbait that should have never happened, by someone who doesn’t need the attention, in an era where everyone craves the attention.

There is nothing hot, interesting, about this. This isn’t breaking down norms, or progressing humanity, it’s the fucking fall of humanity. That’s not to say fat chicks can’t get fucked, post nudes, dress naked, it’s just to say they shouldn’t.

The real question is why is she even in underwear under that tarp, her belly does a good job acting as a pussy face shield, more importantly, I thought we were in a supply shortage, that kind of fabric could be used to clothe a small village…a sparkly small village…

More importantly, clearly not all big tits are created equally, assuming we’re talking about her actual tits not the fat rolls that could double as tits of you’re creative enough, which I am, and they aren’t any better than the front ones…

Posted in:Lizzo