Hailee Clauson was a hipster model when that was a thing. You know the alternative model who was still hot as shit but just came off cooler than the other fashion models because they’d do things like URBAN OUTFITTERS ads…and any brand with the name URBAN in it you know is as cool as it fucking gets….not mooching off a culture like they were Hypebeast at all.
I only know this shit because I’ve been on the fucking internet forever…
Hailee Clauson’s probably got topless in shoots when she was doing that whole hipster thing, it was an era before instagram…but I don’t really remember any of her fashion model smut…
She was clever enough to rebrand, do Sports Illustrated, become a legit model and now she gets to live the dream on social media…with her tits out….and some face filter on because I’m not convinced those are even human eyes…
I’ve been on the internet forever, so I am aware that not everything we see is real…but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth staring at.
Posted in:Hailey Clauson