I'll Make You Famous…




Rowan Blanchard Underboob of the Day

It was Halloween last week and I only have so much energy to write about idiots I don’t care about, I do more than enough each day, so this Halloween Analysis get dragged out over weeks, which I guess isn’t all that big of a deal because it’s basically Halloween everyday for these girls….shells of themselves and half naked EVERYDAY of the week.

I don’t mean just Rowan Blanchard and other celebs, but basically all ladies with social media accounts trying to get noticed, which in and of itself is pretty desperate, pathetic, even depressing, but that society makes them think is the most valid of accomplishments, so get slutty, get noticed, matter….HORRIBLE for a society, but great for a pervert.

Rowan, an awkward Disney Kid from Boy Meets World 2, the daughter of two uglies Corey and Topanga, had to be rebranded to maintain her fanbase that was growing up with her, otherwise they’d unfollow, and Disney / ABC can’t have that.

So…they sent her to Brooklyn to pretent to be an entitled “artist” in a Hipster loft the TRUST FUND, or in this case the MOUSE EARS paid for, so that she could do half naked hipster shoots to connect with her generation of mindless half naked idiots of the internet.

In doing that, it kinda makes her slutty Halloween costume way less slutty, it’s just a normal day for these freaks, but her nipple is hard, the pants are tight, which is all we really need, so let her continue her low level sex work, to keep people compelled to watch her high profile Hollywood work. It’s a trend.


Posted in:Rowan Blanchard