I'll Make You Famous…




Madonna’s Daughter’s Hot Shoot for a Magazine of the Day

Lourdes Leon is Madonna’s daughter, who will always just be Madonna’s daughter, like an HIV positive diagnosis, you’re always going to be the guy with HIV even if the viral load says that you’re not….IT IS IN YOU and you can’t escape it…..

Madonna is just so heavily dialled into the whole celebrity thing and been for 45 years or more, there’s no ESCAPING it and why would you, there are so many perks to having her as your mom…access, money, lifestyle..who cares if you pave your own way, or assert yourself in the world….especially since the world’s going to end anyway….

Not to mention, society as a whole is so slutty, in part thanks to her mom, who when she released SEX and other nude photos, while doing her pervy shock value concerts fo the kids, so if you happen to be a celebrity kid, you’re already on another level from those other whores, and that’s good enough in a world of “why bothering”….because there’s a lot of “why bothering” going on…just pull the tits out and call it a day, working, hustling, especially with trust fund is just dumb.

So never Madonna, but made in Madonna’s toxic womb…and looking pretty good in this shoot to me….good enough…

It’s a little gutter stripper, modern over made up filtered face, backpages, 90s and I love it.

Posted in:Lourdes Leon