Here’s some Eva Longoria working out her ass on a trampoline like some kind of 5 year old because she doesn’t realize she’s old as shit, expired milk, or maybe since she’s Mexican, expired Horchata…fuck I love horchata..but I don’t love Eva Longoria or understand her fucking hype…but people are confused into liking her for whatever reason….I just see a first generation Mexican who looks like the kind of rich person who hires illegal Mexicans to do her LUSH rich person gardens because that’s how feeling like you made it works…YOU underpay desperate people to feel better about yourself..
That is not to say EVA LONGORIA has Mexican gardeners, or that they are illegals, or that she underpays them, it’s just to say she looks like she does…
I guess now that she’s lost a little bit of wait, maybe they’ve released another one of her clones, or it could just be some STEM CELL HGH medical tech to keep these bitches going into their grandma age…WHY BAKE COOKIES when you can SHOW people you fucking COOKIES…without SHOWING the cookies…because her COOKIES would likely be her cunt….
WHO knows.
Posted in:Eva Longoria