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Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

One of the most tragic things I can think of is when a hot set of small, manageable, cute looking tits get taken to the SLAUGHTER HOUSE and filled with basketball sized implants…only for their body to become in a constant state of inflammation, since you KNOW how bad INFLAMMATION can be….so bad that I don’t actually give a fuck about it….I just hate seeing nice little tits turned into big round hard tits…it is depressing and when those hot tiny tits get killed off and replaced, it’s never impressive, its a $5000 – $10,000 purchase…you can’t even buy a HONDA for less than 40k in Canada…I mean…we’re not talking ROLLS ROYCE of tits here, we’re talking a reliable 10 year old TOYOTA CAMRY at best….so stop the fucking CULL…stop the SLAUGHTER….MAKE TINY TITS GREAT AGAIN…because they are GREAT….ALWAYS.

I don’t mind when moms with saggy tits come in for a pick me up, I mean it’s probably better to fuck a 50 year old with implants than without, so there’s a time and a place for everything….

But when small titty younger girls do vane shit like that to themselves, I always think it’s a fucking waste….

I guess I just like tits that people were created with, why change a good thing, those tits are unique to them, and when you alter them, it is just another example of everyone trying to be the fucking same, instead of embracing their UNIQUE snowflake qualities…

THaT IS WHY I support these ITTY BITTY TITTY girls who are comfortable, into showing off, their tiny tits…maybe it’s empowerment, maybe they know they have hot bodies that dudes probably pay to see naked, so they don’t need to overcompensate…I don’t know the inner fucking workings…I am just glad to see Hot tiny tits acting like big tits…it’s a passion project.

Posted in:TINY TITS